Today was a great day. Read a fantastic book one of my favourites by Brian Weiss " Many Soul Many Bodies". Attended a course on Agile; and was told to roll Agile out across my organisation.
So in my mental state of blissfulness, I boarded a train to go to Hatfield (well its a satellite town of London). This was for a romantic meal with the Mr. Now must say I was walking on sunshine yes , though its winter cold and dark.
Anyway after passing many small villages Read: Hadley Wood, I thought let me do a Google to see if my London zone 1 to 6 travel card will do for the travel. I know, I know a bit late in the day but hey who is perfect. Finally after painful trawling the intermittent internet Trip Advisor, I repeat Trip Advisor finally gave me the information that yes I did need a ticket and it will cost me £4 to top up my current travel card.I thought they must have an oyster card reader at the Hatfield. Seriously they must have oyster everyone does.
Sadly to my dismay I arrived at Hatfield , NO OYSTER CARD READER OMG only tickets and a very rude First Capital Connect member of staff. He looked at me and said " this is not a valid ticket." I said " Yup, I know your website does not have details, So I have just found out."
Lessons for the customer service staff of First Capital Connect, get a crash course in etiquette and manners or you will see a mob of angry commuters
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