On the 11th day of the first month of the year 2015 the world community at large stood together to fight for the basic right for any individual who inhabits on this earth - The Right of Free Speech.
After 48 hours of violence, killing and stand off in France, the special forces finally put an end to the senseless killing.
The biggest losers were humanity, equality and freedom - Freedom of thought, Freedom of speech, Freedom of expression.
Today the world community came together as one - one person to stand united to show strength and the belief that everyone is entitled to an opinion and the freedom to express that opinion . Imagine if you are unable to voice what you are thinking and live in fear, and are continuously afraid. One of the banners in the march read
"Not Afraid".
There were no leader speeches, no chants or announcements. There were twits that went viral, there were images on social media. These were shared across boundaries.
There were a million plus ordinary people with their families who marched on the streets of Paris today plus several thousands in Marseilles, London, Toronto and other major cities around the world joined in and stood together as one.
There will be debates including discussions on the why and how. Answers will be sought. Finding these will not be easy and will take much soul searching as a world community.
Hats off to all the millions who came out across the world to say that "Liberty and Freedom" should not be compromised.
Today and just for today Freedom of expression and speech have won.
We are all one. We are all Charlie.
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