Sunday 30 December 2012

Being A Women in a Modern World

The gang rape of a young girl in New Delhi has sparked outrage throughout the world. In the same week there is a man in east London who is randomly stabbing women. Two very different parts of the world women were being harmed in different ways. This is just two examples.

I have always thought that being a women in modern world, would be full of opportunities, a bright future, the freedom and impression that all women can breath. In the modern world women have grown changed, accepted, adapted and tried to make a difference.

Have women moved on and left the "stronger" sex behind? Where is it going wrong? And why is this acceptable?

2012 saw 65,000 sexual offences against women, in South Africa. Every part of the world is inhabited by the fairer sex and there are varying degrees of sexual offences against them. There is no generalisation as to why there is a decaying behaviour against women spanning continents. Each society is different and the canvas is reflective of that.

It makes me wonder as a woman of the modern world, have I made a difference to the society I inhabit. How can I say with confidence that I belong to a society that has accepted my success along with my sisters. There needs to a shift of perception and a flexibility of society. Will this take another 100 years?

When will being a woman in the modern world have meaning?