Today is Monday, the start of the week. The day that says another
week has gone past; and that time has flown. If you work in a regular job with
regular hours; Monday - Friday 9.00 am to 5.30 pm, Monday is not perceived as a
good day.
The faces you see on a Monday on a train are grim, unhappy,
worried, stressed, and some forlorn. In the UK it's good manners and
communication to ask co-workers “So how was your weekend?" And the
reaction could vary from "Oh I had the in-laws around", "Got
wasted”, “Same old same old”. But it always ends with “Oh I am so tired and it
is just Monday"
And that’s how Monday got a bad name, if we go back before the
week was broken into days and the days were named. Everyone worked and spend
hours, days and weeks doing so. But there was no day to be blamed for the start
of the week.
If there was a popularity contest for days of the week; Monday
would come last and Sunday first, after beating Saturday by a whisker. And
considering there is only 24 hours between the two it’s something to think
Would it be any different if the week started with a Tuesday or
maybe a Saturday?